19 May 2007

Anna's PhD celebration at the Avalon Hotel, BH

With HY by the pool.
Dinner beforehand at Al Gelato

12 May 2007

Ahmanson Theater

Outside after the show with drinks.

29 April 2007

Las Vegas at the Wynn

By the pool after dinner and awards.

Waiting for dinner after gambling at Caesar's Palace.

With HY in the Wynn lobby.
Day 1 - Lunch Room Service.

Room for the week, 53rd floor.

03 April 2007

Weekday Dinner

Dinner at the new place in Orange County, CA

MA almost getting the signature picture finger up

HY and ANG

Tattoo of suffering and anguish

31 March 2007

Seh's BBQ Birthday in Central California

Quick trip up and over the Sierras into the big cow towns...

Hard at work on her own birthday...

RED, aka Santa's Little Helper

Uncle Sam & Ellie



HY, Ellie and Uncle Sam


JS with RED

Sat Brunch @ Clementine's, Century City, CA

Brunch with good friends, a monthly event usually in West Los Angeles. Attendees are GM/GR, two up-and-coming medical research scientists, HY, the one-and-only, BV, young entrepreuneur, and LJ, motion picture boxoffice forecaster. (BV was unavailable this time around.)

With HY



25 February 2007

South Beach, Miami, February 2007 Marking the CHOI-HIDALGO 1st ANNUAL CIRCLE OF TRUST & EXCELLENCE EVENT

With Cameron on Lincoln Road

With Latin actress J Giliberti at CASA EL DICTATOR

SPCLAGENT7 and EL DICTATOR at Smith & Wollensky's on the waterfront, South Beach.
And so the Choi-Hidalgo 1st Annual Circle of Trust & Excellence Event began this February 2007. This exclusive gathering attracts only the finest individuals that have a proven record of integrity, among many other talents and attributes. This celebratory event -- to be held in either Miami or Orange County (CA) -- is only for those loyal individuals who have taken giant steps to humbly understand the meaning of true friendship, as symbolized by the Choi-Hidalgo collaboration.