25 February 2007

South Beach, Miami, February 2007 Marking the CHOI-HIDALGO 1st ANNUAL CIRCLE OF TRUST & EXCELLENCE EVENT

With Cameron on Lincoln Road

With Latin actress J Giliberti at CASA EL DICTATOR

SPCLAGENT7 and EL DICTATOR at Smith & Wollensky's on the waterfront, South Beach.
And so the Choi-Hidalgo 1st Annual Circle of Trust & Excellence Event began this February 2007. This exclusive gathering attracts only the finest individuals that have a proven record of integrity, among many other talents and attributes. This celebratory event -- to be held in either Miami or Orange County (CA) -- is only for those loyal individuals who have taken giant steps to humbly understand the meaning of true friendship, as symbolized by the Choi-Hidalgo collaboration.

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